- 22/12/2022
- 22/12/2022
Aromaselskab vil forbedre smagen i alkoholfri øl – øjner marked tæt på 1 mia. kr.
- 20/12/2022
The ‘elegant’ yeast-based technology solution vowing to disrupt the global beverage industry
- 20/12/2022
EvodiaBio raises 6.4 million dollars to produce aroma through precision fermentation
- 09/06/2022
Danish aroma company strengthens its board: Our goal is to become the next major global player in the flavours and fragrances market
- 09/06/2022
Dansk aromavirksomhed styrker bestyrelsen: Vores mål er at blive den næste store globale spiller på smags- og duftmarkedet
- 22/03/2022
Yeast can make the production of flavours and fragrances more natural and sustainable
- 22/02/2022