Food Nation Denmark

A sustainable future of great smell and taste

Fremtidens øl risikerer at blive ringere og en mangelvare


Fødevare Watch

Biotekselbskab har fået travlt med at få sit ølprodukt ud i verden


Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Making molecules instead of growing them



20 foodtech startups to watch, according to investors


New Protein

Yops precision fermentation Evodia Bio sustainable aromas (


Artic Startup

Danish biotech startup Evodiabio grabs $6.4M to produce aroma through precision fermentation – ArcticStartup



Sustainable natural aromas for the food industry – Springwise


Innovations Food

EvodiaBio raises 6.4 million dollars to produce aroma through precision fermentation – Innovations Food


 Food Ingredients First

EvodiaBio nets US$6.4M to produce non-alcoholic beer aromas using precision fermentation (


 Green Queen

EvodiaBio Raises $6.4 Million for Its Precision Fermentation Aromas for Beer (


 Food Navigator

The ‘elegant’ yeast-based technology solution vowing to disrupt the global beverage industry (



Aromaselskab vil forbedre smagen i alkoholfri  øl – øjner marked tæt på 1 mia


Science Magazine

Protecting the planet with biotechnology