Food Nation Denmark
A sustainable future of great smell and taste
Fremtidens øl risikerer at blive ringere og en mangelvare
Fødevare Watch
Biotekselbskab har fået travlt med at få sit ølprodukt ud i verden
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Making molecules instead of growing them
20 foodtech startups to watch, according to investors
New Protein
Yops precision fermentation Evodia Bio sustainable aromas (
Artic Startup
Sustainable natural aromas for the food industry – Springwise
Innovations Food
Food Ingredients First
Green Queen
EvodiaBio Raises $6.4 Million for Its Precision Fermentation Aromas for Beer (
Food Navigator
The ‘elegant’ yeast-based technology solution vowing to disrupt the global beverage industry (
Aromaselskab vil forbedre smagen i alkoholfri øl – øjner marked tæt på 1 mia
Forskere i Danmark opfinder ‘gamechanger’ for alkoholfrie øl
Nature biotechnology
Synbio salvages alcohol-free beer
Ekstra Bladet
Dansk gennembrud: slut med vandet alkoholfri øl (in danish)
Øl-gennembrud: Danske forskere fremstiller alkoholfri øl uden vandet smag ( in danish )
Trend hunter
Copenhagen Scientists Created Engineered Yeast for Non-Alcoholic Beer
The print
Non-alcoholic beer? Researchers have developed one that tastes exactly like the regular!
Technology networks
Non-Alcoholic Beer Created That Taste Like Regular Beer
The Science Times
BFN Today UK
Researchers make non-alcoholic beer taste like regular beer
Daily Mail online
Brewing non-alcoholic beer that tastes just like regular beer
Nature Biotechnology
Synbio salvages alcohol-free beer
Science News DK
Yeast can make the production of flavours and fragrances more… (
Forskere vil løse »kulsort problem« og gøre alkoholfri øl velsmagende og klimavenlig ( in danish )
KU ( University of Copenhagen )
Researchers make non-alcoholic beer taste like regular beer – University of Copenhagen (