
  • 25/07/2024

Start-up spotlight: EvodiaBio

  • 07/06/2024

Dansk biotekselskab rejser millioner til alkoholfri øl

  • 07/06/2024

Biotech-selskab henter millioninvestering til at revolutionere markedet for bæredygtige aromaer med ny banebrydende teknologi

  • 07/06/2024

Biotech Company secures multi-million investment to revolutionize the Market for sustainable aroma with a groundbreaking new technology

  • 13/05/2024

Exploring Novel Fragrances and Sustainable Solutions: A Peek into Dr. Sotirios Kampranis’ Lab

  • 16/02/2024

Bryggerier enige om alkoholfrit fokus: “For os er der tale om en ny ølrevolution”

  • 01/02/2024

Precision fermentation to make non-alcoholic beer taste great

  • 14/12/2023

Danske Bank on EvodiaBio ‘Danish startup will revolutionise the market for sustainable flavourings’

  • 11/10/2023

The beer of the future risks becoming poorer in quality and in short supply.

  • 11/10/2023

Fremtidens øl risikerer at blive ringere og en mangelvare

  • 04/10/2023

EvodiaBio ApS nominated for Entrepreneur of The Year 2023 by EY

  • 26/01/2023

Biotekselskab har fået travlt med at få sit ølprodukt ud i verden